12 Best Alternatives to Google Analytics in 2024

 12 Best Alternatives to Google Analytics in 2024

Google Analytics is the world's most widely used web analytics tool.

However, since the GDPR came into force in May 2018, more and more website operators are looking for an alternative.

Because Google Analytics stores data in the USA, many measures and settings must be made in order to use the tool in compliance with the GDPR.

In this article I have researched 12 more privacy-friendly alternatives to Google Analytics for you.

Tools that you can use locally on your own server or that can be used without cookies.

With some of the alternatives presented, you can even do without a cookie plugin, according to the provider.

Table of contents
  • 1. Trackboxx
  • 2. eTracker
  • 3. Koko Analytics
  • 4. Statify
  • 5.Simple Analytics
  • 6. Matomo
  • 7. Fathom
  • 8.Open Web Analytics
  • 9. econda Analytics
  • 10. AWStats
  • 11.UXWizz
  • 12. Plausible

1. Trackboxx

Price: from €40/year
Server location: Germany
AV contract: lockable in the customer area
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Trackboxx is an excellent Google Analytics alternative for small to medium-sized blogs and online magazines.

Why is easy to explain:

The user interface is clean, modern and responsive at lightning speed. Not like Google Analytics, where it can take a few seconds for dashboards or reports to load.

I also liked three things about Trackboxx:

  1. You can set up conversion tracking in no time and use it to measure, for example, how often a certain button or link on your website was clicked.
  2. Similar to Google Analytics, Trackboxx has so-called UTM tracking. This technology allows you to analyze your traffic sources even more precisely. For example, you not only see that visitors were generated via Facebook, but by which post or advertising campaign.
  3. Outgoing links are automatically tracked (with Google Analytics you have to set this up separately)
  4. Statistics can be saved and downloaded in clear PDF reports.


  • Transparent and fair pricing models
  • Connection to Google Search Console possible
  • Appealing backend with a modern design
  • Easy to set up conversion tracking
  • UTM tracking
  • Bounce rate and dwell time are tracked
  • Use without cookies opt-in possible according to the provider
  • Free trial for 30 days
  • Outgoing links are tracked automatically


  • Not free
  • Not quite as many features as Google Analytics
  • Hardly any integrations for third-party tools (such as SEO tools, advertising networks, etc.)

2. eTracker

Price: free up to 25,000 page views, then from €228 / year
Server location: Germany
AV contract: Is automatically concluded when the account is created
Can be used without cookies: Yes

eTracker is one of the best Google Analytics alternatives for larger websites and online stores.

The use of eTracker can also make sense for smaller blogs and websites, because the analysis tool is free of charge for up to 25,000 page views.

What I like about eTracker is the tidy and clear backend, which you can quickly find your way around.

In the basic version, almost all important functions such as visitor tracking or content and standard reports are waiting for you here. If you run an online shop, the Pro plan, which provides you with eCommerce reports, customer journey reports and UX analysis, definitely makes sense.

In addition, eTracker attaches great importance to data protection:

On the other hand, eTracker can also be used without cookies. According to the provider , you do not need any explicit consent to use the tool on your website (by means of a cookie opt-in).

This is a clear plus point compared to Google Analytics!


  • Offers all important functions - including extensive shop analysis
  • Very clearly designed
  • Does not use cookies for analysis
  • Data can be exported quickly and easily
  • 30 days free trial possible


  • high prices for sites with a lot of traffic

3. Koko Analytics

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Koko Analytics is a minimalist WordPress plugin that is primarily aimed at users who can do without many additional web analysis functions.

It's ideal if you've just started your own website or blog and you just want to see how often people visit your website or blog.

It offers four advantages over Google Analytics:

  1. It has almost no impact on your website loading time
  2. It is easy to install (just download and activate the plugin)
  3. The visitor statistics are very clear
  4. It is more privacy friendly as all data is stored on your own web space and you can use Koko Analytics without cookies.

The plugin provides you with three statistics:

Visitors, page views and the traffic source, which is insufficient for professional users and e-commerce websites, but perfectly adequate for smaller websites or blogs.


  • Completely free
  • Plug & Play: Install the plugin and you're done
  • Quick access via the WordPress backend
  • Local storage on your own web space - no transfer of data
  • Can be used without cookies
  • Outstanding performance
  • Also compatible with cached pages
  • Own access can easily be excluded
  • Widget with the most visited pages in the blog can be displayed


  • Small range of functions compared to other tools
  • Few analysis options (no dwell time, bounce rate, etc.)

4. Statify

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

The WordPress plugin Statify experienced a real boost when the GDPR came into force in 2018 and has been one of the most popular visitor statistics plugins ever since.

The plugin completely dispenses with the collection of personal data such as IP address or location and does not even set cookies on your visitors' computers.

Statify is therefore the ideal solution for those who place high demands on data security and would be happy to do without a cookie banner.

The other side of the coin:

The range of functions is unfortunately somewhat manageable. Only page views and the most visited pages are recorded. So if you want to know exactly how visitors are behaving on your website, Statify might not be the right solution for you.

I would recommend Statify primarily if you only run a small blog with a few thousand visitors per month or are just starting out and want to get a first impression of which content appeals to your target group and which does not.


  • Very high-performance plugin (does not load any additional scripts)
  • Clear and focused on the essentials
  • The range of functions can be expanded on request with a free add-on
  • Plugin completely dispenses with the use of cookies
  • Does not store user data or IP addresses of visitors
  • Very accurate data collection


  • Tracks only page views, not visitors
  • Optics a bit old
  • No details on bounce rate or dwell time

5.Simple Analytics

Price: from €108 / year
Server location: Netherlands
AV contract: is concluded with the consent to the terms and conditions
Can be used without cookies: Yes

With Simple Analytics, the name really says it all:

The tool is tidy and clear, which is of particular benefit to users who have always been overwhelmed by the large range of functions offered by Google Analytics.

Simple Analytics is a good alternative for individuals and small and medium-sized businesses that want to get extensive data about their users, but are very little familiar with things like cohort or funnel analysis, as offered by Google Analytics.

You can integrate Simple Analytics into your blog as usual with a code snippet.

If you have problems using it or have general questions about tracking, a very extensive FAQ area or customer service, which you can reach via email, will help you.

By the way:

The roadmap on the developer page tells you exactly what the Simple Analytics team is working on right now and which features you can expect in the future.


  • Much clearer than Google Analytics
  • Extensive analyzes such as countries of origin, devices, browsers, etc.
  • Server location in Europe (Netherlands)
  • comes by default without cookies
  • Clear graphics and statistics
  • Data export possible
  • Free 14-day test possible


  • Chargeable
  • Dashboard not configurable

6. Matomo

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is probably the best-known and most comprehensive alternative to Google Analytics.

The tool was particularly popular when the GDPR came into force.

According to W3Techs, Matomo now has a market share of 16.9% for .de domains (as of December 2021).

The reason:

Matomo can be installed locally and therefore does not pass on any data to third parties.

On the other hand, the range of functions is only slightly smaller than with Google Analytics.

However, since there is not "the one Matomo", but there are different versions, some of which differ significantly from one another, I would now like to present these three versions to you in detail:

6.1 Matomo On-Premise (Self-hosted)

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Probably the most popular variant of Matomo is the self-hosted one, also called "Matomo On-Premise".

The self-hosted version on your own (sub)domain offers you the decisive advantage that the performance of your main website does not suffer.

Matomo is in no way inferior to Google Analytics when it comes to functionality:

You really recognize every click from the entry to the exit page and can thus continue to improve your website. Since Matomo 4, even more page details such as performance and average loading time are displayed. In addition, goals can be configured, such as downloading a lead magnet. This allows you to see at a glance what percentage of your site visitors choose your freebie.

You can also install extensions, but these are chargeable.

We highly recommend the Matomo Heatmap, for example, which you can unlock for €199 per year and then really have full control over visitor behavior.


  • 100% free
  • Can be easily installed on a subdomain
  • Use without cookies is possible
  • Independent of the website and does not affect its loading time
  • Large range of functions and many setting options
  • Large user community
  • Expandable with numerous fee-based functions


  • Must be installed and configured by yourself (not difficult though)

6.2 Matomo Analytics (WordPress plugin)

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Since October 2019, Matomo has also been available as a WordPress plugin, with which you can access the web analysis tool directly from the WordPress backend.

Compared to "Matomo On-Premise" it offers the advantage that it is easier to install. In addition, you do not have to log into another tool to see your statistics.

It offers all the functions that "Matomo On-Premise" also offers. It can also be upgraded with premium features such as B. Heatmap, cohort analysis or user flow.

The only disadvantage:

The plugin shares a database and server resources with WordPress, which can cause performance issues. For a WordPress multisite or a website with a lot of traffic, you should rather use "Matomo On-Premise".


  • Can be installed directly in the WordPress backend via the plugin marketplace
  • Data is stored locally and not passed on to third parties
  • If desired, the tool can be used without cookies
  • Extensive data and analysis about your visitors
  • Is constantly being developed and improved
  • Large community and very friendly support


  • Shares database and server resources with WordPress, which can cause performance issues

6.3 Matomo Cloud

Price: from €228 / year
Server location: Germany
AV contract: lockable in the customer area
Can be used without cookies: Yes

The third and last version is “Matomo Cloud”. The name already reveals what it is:

Similar to Google Analytics, Matomo is provided as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) on an external server.

The range of functions is the same, but some functions such as A/B testing or video player tracking are added to the cloud version.

In contrast to Google Analytics, no personal data is processed outside the EU. However, use requires that you conclude a contract for order data processing with Matomo.

Of course, Matomo charges a little for this service. The smallest tariff, which goes up to 50,000 page views per month, is €29 per month. With one million page views, €239 per month is already due.


  • No work related to your own hosting
  • Functionality is expanded
  • Free test possible


  • Forwarding of the data to other EU countries
  • High cost considering only server storage is provided

7. Fathom

Price: free
Server location: local or at various third-party providers
AV contract: lockable in the customer area
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Fathom is a small but powerful analytics tool that has many advantages:

Like Matomo, you can either host Fathom yourself or use it as a cloud variant, so you can choose where your data is stored.

If you decide on a cloud solution, you even have several providers to choose from. In general, however, I would advise you to use the self-hosted version, since you have 100% data sovereignty here.

A big advantage of Fathom is that you can manage any number of websites under one account.

The dashboard is tidy and offers you an instant insight into the most important statistics of your websites. Conversion tracking, for example how many people have subscribed to your email list, is also no problem.

The fact that the tool can be used completely without cookies means that, according to the provider, you can even do without an annoying cookie opt-in.

By the way:

The self-hosted variant, Fathom Lite , must be downloaded from GitHub.


  • Very transparent 
  • Free Lite version available
  • clear
  • Free test of the premium version possible
  • Simple conversion tracking
  • live tracking


  • Support in English only
  • Rather small community so far

8.Open Web Analytics

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: No

Open Web Analytics is very similar to Google Analytics in terms of appearance and functionality. With one big difference:

The analysis tool is installed directly on your web space, which means that you retain ownership of your data. The software is open source and can be downloaded via GitHub .

The software was originally developed for Linux, which is reflected in the look, which is a bit old-fashioned compared to other tools.

However, in the end, web analytics tools are more about the functionality than the design of the tools. And it is precisely in the area of ​​functionality that Open Web Analytics can score:

What is special is that a heatmap function is directly integrated and you are therefore not dependent on an additional provider. This enables you to precisely analyze user behavior and optimize your website accordingly.

If you choose Open Web Analytics, you have to realize that the community behind it is really small. If you have any questions or problems, you are mostly on your own. However, there is an Open Web Analytics Wiki that supports you in the most important steps such as installation and setup.


  • Heatmap tool already integrated
  • Free open source software
  • Installation on your own web space
  • Extensive range of functions including conversion tracking
  • Visitor analytics showing a visitor's path


  • Only very rare updates
  • Small community - help with problems rather not
  • Cannot operate without cookies
  • Design rather old-fashioned

9. econda Analytics

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: available
Can be used without cookies: Yes

econda Analytics is the somewhat different analysis tool that should not be missing from this list due to its gigantic variety of functions. The provider has specialized in the e-commerce sector and is therefore certainly worth considering if your focus is on your own online shop.

First of all:

econda Analytics is not exactly cheap - prices are only available on request. However, you get insights and functions that hardly any other tool can offer in this form.

The e-commerce suite in particular stands out at econda, which allows you to analyze all areas of your shop in detail. For example, you can use tags to find out exactly which affiliates are sending the most traffic to your shop and which affiliate is responsible for the most conversions. Things like remarketing can also be implemented quickly and easily in this way. Even measuring the success of e-mail marketing campaigns is easily possible with econda Analytics.


  • strict data protection
  • Gigantic range of functions for online shops
  • Very competent customer service
  • Tagging system that can be used to analyze really anything
  • Can be flexibly adapted to your needs thanks to various modules
  • A/B testing already integrated


  • No free trial
  • high price
  • Prices only on request

10. AWStats

Price: free
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

AWStats belongs to the Webalizer group and analyzes visitors using your host's IP log files (IP anonymization should be activated here, which is possible with many hosts).

The advantage of this method is that no cookies are set and therefore no consent from your visitors is required. Also, AWStats is hosted on your own server and made available as open source software. So it's completely free.


Admittedly, AWStats is an older generation analysis tool. Unfortunately, the design, which is based on Perl, is getting a bit old.

However, if that doesn't bother you, you can use the tool to understand basic statistics about your visitors (e.g. page views, length of stay, acquisition source or screen resolutions).


  • Open source and therefore free
  • Hosted on own server
  • Many different data are made available
  • Completely dispenses with the use of cookies
  • Installed by default on many hosters


  • Design very outdated
  • Hardly any support or assistance with problems


Price: from €79 (one-off)
Server location: local
AV contract: not necessary
Can be used without cookies: Yes

UXWizz (formerly userTrack) is a previously unknown analytics tool that offers excellent services at a small price.

For a one-time fee of €79, UXWizz offers a wide range of functions:

The tool collects all common data such as visitors, page views or bounce rate and length of stay. In addition, you can generate heatmaps or create session playbacks to understand exactly how users interact with your website. Even A/B tests are already integrated.

On top of that, all collected user data is processed in a data protection-friendly manner on your own web space. Unfortunately, UXWizz cannot do without cookies.

I find the option of tracking multiple websites within one account to be a particular highlight.


  • Modern and uncluttered design
  • Large range of functions (session playback, heat maps, A/B testing, etc.)
  • Premium Support
  • One-time purchase price and no monthly fees
  • Multisite tracking
  • easy installation
  • 100% data sovereignty because it is self-hosted
  • Free test possible


  • Chargeable
  • Can't do without cookies
  • Premium support included for one year only

12. Plausible

Price: from €60 / year
Server location: Germany
AV contract: is concluded with the consent to the terms and conditions
Can be used without cookies: Yes

Plausible is the last tool I would like to introduce to you in this post.

The same applies here: why make it complicated when it can be easy?

Plausible provides you with all the important data, but does without things that nobody really needs:

The dashboard is modern and clear. You can find out at a glance how many visitors and page views your website has generated, how high the bounce rate was and how long the dwell time was. In addition, Plausible shows you the most frequently visited pages as well as the acquisition sources. Even email campaigns can be analyzed with the tool.

The Plausible completely dispenses with cookies and stores all data on servers. If you have your own and suitable server, you can even host it yourself.

Special highlight for SEO:

You can connect Plausible to the Google Search Console and thereby analyze your search queries within the tool.

Unfortunately, Plausible is not free, but it has a fair pricing model based on monthly page views. Up to 10,000 page views cost you just €6 per month (€60 per year), with 500,000 views you pay €30 per month (€300 per year).


  • Simple and tidy design
  • Conversion tracking possible
  • Makes all important data available
  • Works completely without cookies or PIDs
  • Integration of the Google Search Console possible
  • Fair pricing model based on page views
  • Tool can be self-hosted if desired
  • open-source
  • Premium Support


  • Chargeable
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